Welch Farm

A 6th generation family farm in Downeast Maine

Welch Farm has long traditions in Downeast Maine being a 6th generation wild blueberry family farm located in Roque Bluffs. The farm is situated along the shores of Englishmen’s Bay in Downeast Maine.

Currently the farm is managed by Wayne Hanscom and his daughter, Lisa.

“Welch Farm’s wild low bush blueberries have been traditionally farmed for over 100 years. We gently hand-harvest our wild blueberries at the peak of ripeness to ensure the quality and nutrition of the small fruit.

Each day, the berries are gently hand raked, cooled, and then processed through a fresh blueberry line to remove stems and leaves. Our wild blueberries are then packed into pints, quarts, and 5 lb. boxes, ready to sell or to be fresh frozen with 24 hours of leaving our fields to grantee the highest quality berry.”


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