How can I support the
Wild Blueberry Heritage Center ?

Your support and the support of your community is what really matters most to the Wild Blueberry ecosystem. 

There are many ways in which you can help. 

1. Support local, buy local

Purchase Maine Wild Blueberries from local farmers markets or directly from your local farmer.

During the season, Maine Wild Blueberries can be purchased, or preordered, in large quantities and frozen for later in the year, allowing you to support your local farmer but also enjoy Maine Wild Blueberries year round! 

Contact your local farmer for more information on how to order your Wild Blueberries. You can use the link to a map of many of the active farmer’s markets in Maine provided by the Maine Federation of Farmers Markets. 

2. Know the difference

Know the nutrient difference between high bush and low bush wild blueberries.

More antioxidants: In a USDA study of 40 fruits and vegetables, whole-fruit, lowbush wild blueberries were found to have the highest antioxidant level, and higher anthocyanin potency as well as more flavanoids.  

More fiber: Each 80-calorie cup contains 25 percent of the recommended daily value or twice that of highbush blueberries. 

More manganese: Each cup contains 200 percent of the recommended daily value or eight times that of highbush blueberries. This mineral is essential for bone development. 

More color and taste: As a result of higher anthocyanins, lowbush wild blueberries are darker in color and have a more robust taste and flavor. 

3. Spread the word

Go out into your community and spread the word of the Maine Wild Blueberry.

Teach people about the difference between high bush and low bush wild blueberries. Tell your friends and family about what you’ve learned from our stories and videos. Share your own stories with us about your experience with and love for Maine Wild Blueberries. Share our Facebook posts on your page, follow us on Twitter. All these small things can lead to something greater. Even if you only tell one story or teach one person it will make all the difference for these farmers knowing they have your support.

4. Invest in local farmers

Invest in your local farmers to secure your own food supply, promote healthier foods and soils, and boost the Maine Economy.

Consider paying a bit more for healthier food from your local Wild Blueberry farmer. Each year, without your support, more local Wild Blueberry farms are lost. Your support will offer these farmers the ability to keep going but also provide them the hope they need to keep their family business. Loosing these farms for many of the farmers means loosing their livelihood, and thus compromising local food security, local wild blueberry culture, and ecologically managed lands.

5. Tend your own Wild Blueberries

Learn how to protect, promote and encourage your own Wild Blueberry lands.

Some of us are fortunate enough to have Maine Wild Blueberries in our own backyard, but do you know how to properly maintain your barrens? The University of Maine has been researching how to maintain Wild Blueberry Barrens for a number of years now and they have some excellent information on patience and care. You can visit the University of Maine, Maine Wild Blueberries Cooperative Extention by clicking here. If you have any specific questions about Barren care please feel free to contact us through our contact form.

6. Find Local Farms

Use the Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets map to find a farmer near you.


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